Saturday, May 7, 2011

Where I live

Hi Firends,
This is where I live. My host parents have the stationary and internet store and then the house is upstairs from the store.

This morning (Saturday) I went for a walk to become familiar with the area, although on a small scale as this seems to be a pretty big city.
I also walked to the school with Kristen from New Zealand. The walk is a half hour from the house. Today I was able to navigate it both going and returning. I am hoping to go to the Zócalo which is the town square tomorrow with Kristen. I would never be able to navigate it alone.


  1. This makes me so happy Lori!!!! Love the photo of you and the thought of you finding your way around the city.

    It's a beautiful day here - so I'm going back outside to enjoy it.

    Enjoy the town square.

  2. Lori, again, so excited for you. Had my 'formal piano recital' and thought of you. I will play my songs when you return and all my chicas are in town!

  3. Lori, espero que disfrutes tu estadia en Puebla. En la foto leo "papelería" ¿qué venden?
    Por otra parte, es una buena idea que no camines sola por las calles, al menos por las noches.

  4. It makes me so happy to see you out exploring the world. You and I have it in our blood. Don't know where we got that blood from. It must have been dormant since our ancestors migrated to the States. Thank you for blogging your adventures so that we all can be with you.

    Im sending you many blessings for your safety, growth, healing and rejuvenation.


  5. aye wow... esa foto me da ganas de ir por alla. La vida esta tan diferente pero bonita. Recuerdas que necesitas probar huitlacoche y atole... y un poco de ezquites en la calle. El zocalo esta beunisima y necesitas ir a los sapos los domingos aye un mercado en que venden cosas interesantes. También hay un mercado los sabados un poco sur (creo) del zócalo en que venden todo lo que necesitas comprar de mexico y mas... en los mercados esta mi corazon jaja me encantan, es un locura pero son buenisimas. Tambien un lugar famoso se llama "La Pasita" todos saben donde esta pero el direccion es 5 Oriente #602 at the corner of Callejón de los Sapos... venden un liqor muy diferente... es mi lugar favorito en Puebla esta padrisiima :) weno estamos en contacto... espero que todo sigue mejorando y aprendes de la vida bonita poblana :) xoxoxo
