Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today at School

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Today was a great day at school. We made peanut buteer playdough and then we ate it. We all had sticky fingers.

We got caught in a big rainstorm on the way home from school with granizo (hail). They were large and hurt when they hit us in the head. It was great fun. We were soaked when we returned home.

On Sunday I went to breakfast with some friends and I ate Huevos Divorciados. They were just like I am used to only there were two of them. One with green sauce and one with red. This week I have also eaten Guayaba. I had eaten Guayaba IceCream in Costa Rico but never knew what the fruit looked like. I also tried Capulines which look just like cherries only the fruit inside is green. The girls and I at home had popcorn with a ton of hotsauce on it. The sauce is similar to Cholula back home. I am becoming addicted to this sauce and limes which we eat on EVERYTHING.

I finished the book, The Book Thief which was great. Thanks Kelcey for the recommendation. I really enjoyed it. When I lost all the information on my hard drive, I lost my library card number so I am unable to download library books.


  1. It won't let me post!,,,,

  2. salsa valentina... eeeek lo tenemos aca tambien no te preocupes.. :)me da un gusto de leer todo esto y lo que estas haciendo... ya quiero estar ahi, viviendo tambien...
